(SAM'S WORK) - input by me in green font

Budget: N/A
Box Office: $182k (Worldwide)
Ratings: 80% (RottenTomatoes) / 7.2/10 (IMDb) / 72% (Metacritic)
Production Companies: Film4, Inflammable Films
Director: Paddy Considine

Budget: N/A
Box Office: $182k (Worldwide)
Ratings: 80% (RottenTomatoes) / 7.2/10 (IMDb) / 72% (Metacritic)
Production Companies: Film4, Inflammable Films
Director: Paddy Considine
- audio bridge between the Idents
- overlaps with first shot
- a soft violin background music
- numbers of idents: 3
- duration of idents: 00:00:00 - 00:01:05
- serif font
- white font on black background connotes seriousness and drama
- similar to the other social realist films we have looked at
- different sizing between the titles/names to distinguish the different roles
- the names are largest, and bold, other words are smaller and not bold
- animated titles, fade in and out
- different positioning of titles
- for aesthetic purposes
- duration of title sequence: 00:01:09 - 00:02:18
- numbers of titles 11
- The production companies and writer have titles against a black screen before the cast names appear
- Only the 2 lead cast members are credited, then the film name is given a credit before other actors are
- The opening scene is cross-cut between the protagonist running, and home video recordings of him with his wife
- the music continues to play over both
- soft violin has an impact on our feelings
- makes us more calm
- get the serious feel
- ambient sound of nature to add verisimilitude
1st SHOT:
- establishing shot
- starts with an extreme long shot
- tilting shot from the blue sky to the protagonist
- narrative enigma, showing the back of the protagonist
- male character is in every shot
- tracking shot when he is jogging in the forest
- shot variety of him
- he is always in focus
- anchors he is the central protagonist
- his house is quite big and modern which signifies that he has a lot of money/successful
- he is someone from the upper class
- the belt signifies he is a professional fighter
- the modern house connotes he is coming from the upper class
- the friends/family drinking champagne and taking a lot of pictures anchor they are celebrating
- the equilibrium is disrupted when the central protagonist got a brain damage and forgot his previous life
- he is trying to fight for the future and tries to remember his past life
From my research, I noticed that Journeymen didn't make much money since it only got theatrical screenings in just 3 territories (it didn't get distributed in the US)
Like a lot of other social realists films such as '71 or Submarine, Journeyman wouldn't exist if they didn't get financial help from companies like BFI, Screen Yorkshire, Film Agency for Wales or Wales Creative IP Fund but they would only get financial help if they shoot in their territories (also gives them the advantage to get a theatrical distribution) or if they represent their culture or their people.
Although the film got decent reviews it didn't win any prices but nominated. However, Paddy Considine also directed Tyrannosaur and won the award of Best Writer/Director which then would help generate interest. One factor why it didn't perform that well is because people were hesitating if this could be a good British boxing movie. Variety (review magazine) doesn't consider the movie as a boxing movie but actually "a man on a journey".
Although the film got decent reviews it didn't win any prices but nominated. However, Paddy Considine also directed Tyrannosaur and won the award of Best Writer/Director which then would help generate interest. One factor why it didn't perform that well is because people were hesitating if this could be a good British boxing movie. Variety (review magazine) doesn't consider the movie as a boxing movie but actually "a man on a journey".