Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Pitch 1

Working title: The Journey 
Idea in a nutshell  
A professional tennis player is being left by his wife, however during his preparation for an upcoming competition his gets in an accident and suffers severe brain damage. A social realist film taking influence mostly from The Journeyman and Tyrannosaur 
Narrative detail 
  • * Todorov – begins with equilibrium being disrupted 
    • o Tennis player’s wife is leaving him  
    • o He gets hit by a car 
Toyco Productions 
Infinite Productions 
The Toothpaste company 
Audience BBFC 15 (idealy) 
  • * Primary:  
    • o 18-24 male (identification) 
    • o  C1C2DE (social realist) 
  • * Secondary:  
    • o younger (aspiration) 
    • o AB (protagonist is rich tennis player - identification) 
  • * Ambient sound of tennis balls, coach shouting, tyres screeching 
  • * Foley sound of heartbeat, feet running 
  • * Record on guitar/bass/uke 
  • * Ask Tanay where he trains for tennis court 
  • * Forrest next to school for jogging/car hitting scene 
  • * Ask Jasper for wife’s house 
  • * (hospital bed) 
  • * Narrative enigma and exposition –  
    • o cross-cutting protagonist jogging with training in tennis court (show feet running, heartbeat pounding, don’t show face immediately, sound of tennis balls in court while training) 
    • o Pan over entry slip for competition (coach could be shouting that he won’t ever win ‘that competition’ if he keeps training like this) 

2 / 2
  • o POV gopro on head when jogging 
  • o Panning shot over pictures in room when wife is packing (ask Tanay for pictures of him with trophies, if not then photoshop – ask him to bring in tennis clothes and racket at lunch) 
Characters, Props 
  • * Protagonist, ‘John’ – fancy training gear 
  • * Wife/partner, ‘Susan’(/’Patrick’) - makeup, black eye (ask Ellen) - pictures of tennis, packing 
  • * Coach – whistle, addidas suit 
Health and Safety 
  • * No one will actually get hit by a car 
  • * Make sandwiches/cupcakes for shoots

1 comment:

  1. If editing these notes (eg to change wife to husband/male partner) don't delete what you had; use the strikethrough tool, and colour for the changes you make
    'Idea in a nutshell' = synopsis (technical term). You haven't noted the personality change/domestic violence, or that partner feels compelled (initially) to stay with 'John' through their recuperation
    NARRATIVE: binary opposites? narrative enigma is a basic, key convention - how will you construct that (we've discussed this: framing, editing possibly cross-cutting... [ah: in cin'y; add a note: see CIN'Y below]). Todorov - the training is equilibrium, the disruption is the crash; discovery in some ways is more for the partner - but could also be viewed as the pro's realisation of their altered behaviour, as in J'man.
    Idents - briefly denote the contents
    Audience - you've put BBFC 15 but 18-24...?! At the moment you're saying 18, but its maybe better to think of 15 to get stronger use of the TisEng/S16 egs? You need SOME reference to research into examples here (and what BBFC ratings mean/allow/ban) - what is typical? Social class you've got (understandably) wrong: U+G of courses suggests identification from C2DEs IF the protagonist is working class. A tennis pro is wealthy; you need to think carefully about how to denote yours as low level - you need to research to be clear on tennis pro levels (eg the Challenger circuit). AND consider how/if you're denoting 'John' as working class. Social realist movies, because they typically get sidelined in arthouse cinemas, are often more ABC1 - reviewed in the likes of The Guardian, not tabloids like The Sun/Mirror/Star.
    SOUND - what style/s of non-diegetic music do you plan? eg slow, sad strings-based? Look at how Considine used music in the opening of Tyrannosaur!!!
    LOCATIONS - some indication of what you're after from each; what would achieve verisimilitude
    CIN'Y: think more about focus too, try to jmake some direct, specific reference to examples you've seen - not least from J'man. Handheld?!?
    CHARACTERS - big change here? You need to address extras too: coach; others playing tennis at same time; people in hospital; other jogger/s?...
    H+S not getting hit with tennis balls (especially cam operator)!


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